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Laminaria, 75g

Laminaria, 75g

  (7 відгуків)
В наявності
Assists the improvement of metabolism in organism, lowering the level of cholesterol; increasing the immunity; normalization the working of CNS; useful to the bones and working of gastro enteric highway. It can be recommended for people that control their weight. Use as a preventive for cleaning organism from slags, toxins, harmful substances.

Ingredients: Laminariae thalli – 100 %

Recommendations for use: adults add to the ration of feed as a natural source of biologically active phytogenous substances: vitamins, minerals, macronutrients and microelements, organic acids. Assists the improvement of metabolism in organism, lowering the level of cholesterol; increasing the immunity; normalization the working of CNS; useful to the bones and working of gastro enteric highway. It can be recommended for people that control their weight. Use as a preventive for cleaning organism from slags, toxins, harmful substances.

Preparation: adults use for ½ - 1 tea-spoon 1 time per a day (in the morning or in the evening), washing down 1/3-1/2 glasses of water during 15-30 days, in future co-ordinate the term of the use with a doctor.

Warning at application: individual sensitiveness to the components of herbal tea; an enhanceable sensitiveness to the iodine; pregnancy, allergic reactions, illnesses of kidneys or of gastrointestinal tract in sharp forms, child's age  (to 12 years).

Before using consulted with a doctor. Don’t exceed the recommended day's norm of consumption.

It does not follow to use as replacement of valuable ration of feed.

Tasty tea-drinking and good health!

Terms of storage : keep in the dry place protected from light, at a temperature not higher 25°C  and relative humidity of air not more than 75%%, in a childproof place.

Form of producing: 75 g; 

Term of fitness: 24 months from the date of making.

Food value, g /100 gs of product: squirrel - 0; fats - 0; carbohydrates - 0,3.

Power value (calorie content) kkal /to the 100г of product: 1,2 kkal / 5,024 кДж

 Does not contain sugar.

Radiological control is assured. IT IS NOT MEDICINAL MEANS.


Для написання відгуків необхідна авторизація на сайті

Арина Леонград

Отлично очищает от шлаковых токсинов.

Максим Галичков

Ламінарія - чудовий препарат для підтримки йодного балансу в організмі.

Ольга Ревина

Добре відновлює запас йоду в організмі. Дякую.

Вероника Малышева

Чудовий замінник солі, додаю майже до всіх страв. Смачно та корисно!

Павел Човник

Використовую ламінарію замість солі. Норма йоду прийшла у норму. Смачно і корисно.

Анна Светикова

Підтримую збалансоване харчування. Ламінарія чудове джерело йоду.

Ольга Свижевская

Подобаєтьтся цей продукт, додаю до салатів та каш або просто запиваю водою. Ламінарія смачна та корисна.