Mistletoe, 50g

  (6 відгуків)
В наявності
Add to the diet as a natural source of biologically active substances of plant origin: vitamins, minerals, organic acids, phenolic compounds to create optimal dietary conditions for the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Has a soft antioxidant, sedative, and immunostimulatory action.

Ingredients: white mistletoe herb - 100%

Recommendations for use: add to the diet as a natural source of biologically active substances of plant origin: vitamins, minerals, organic acids, phenolic compounds to create optimal dietary conditions for the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Has a soft antioxidant, sedative, and immunostimulatory action.

Preparation: 1 tablespoon dry chopped herbs pour 200 ml boiled water (85 ° C - 95 ° C), boil for 2-3 minutes, insist 30 minutes. Adults: 1 tablespoon of warm herbal tea 20 minutes before eating 2-3 times a day for 3 weeks, further use of the term coordinate with your doctor.

Before using consulted with a doctor. Don’t exceed the recommended day's norm of consumption.

Warning at application: at an individual sensitiveness to the components of herbal tea; pregnant and women that nurse, child's age (to 12 years).

 It does not follow to use as replacement of valuable ration of feed.

Tasty tea-drinking and good health!

Terms of storage : keep in the dry place protected from light, at a temperature not higher 25°C  and relative humidity of air not more than 75%, in a childproof place.

Form of producing:   50 g; a consumer container is 50,0-200,0 g

Term of fitness: 24 months from the date of making.

Food value, g /100 gs of product: squirrel - 0; fats - 0; carbohydrates - 0,3.

Power value (calorie content) kkal /to the 100g  of product: 1,2 kkal / 5,024 kJ

Possible rejection: + 9%. Does not contain sugar.

Radiological control is assured. IT IS NOT MEDICINAL MEANS.

The number of party (series) and eventual date of consumption "Use before"  look at a label.

Для написання відгуків необхідна авторизація на сайті

Анна Сидоренко

Всегда держу под рукой это чудо средство. Хорошо успокаивает при стрессах.

Оксана Выговская

Были проблемы с серцем. Пропила курс. Состояние значительно улучшилось.

Марина Сидельникова

Хорошо снижает кровяное давление.

Наталия Максимова

Пропила курс. Нормализовалось давление, улучшилась работа почек.

Татьяна Барышникова

Я пила омелу. Очень эффективное средство при проблемах с серцем.

Марія Куц

Використовую при жіночих запаленнях, та при дисфункціїї щитовидки